![SepBarDblBkThn](http://www.newvision-kellerpioneers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/SepBarDblBkThn.jpg) |
E.B. Dodds Fund Grant The Keller Chapter is grateful for the insight of Earl Dodds to leave a substantial portion of his estate to the Telephone Pioneers of America upon his death in July of 1983; with the understanding that it would be used for the promotion of Community service activities. These wishes have been conveyed by the Portland Council and the New Hampshire Council. I feel that Mr. Dodd’s would approve with these choices.Kits for Kidz, hygiene kits, were distributed to the Allenstown NH Elementary School by Joy Randlett and Mary Lefebvre.L to R: Mr. Blinn, principal, Chloe, Oliver, Ms. Marilyn, school nurse |
![SepBarDblBkThn](http://www.newvision-kellerpioneers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/SepBarDblBkThn.jpg) |
Kim Joseph delivered child hygiene kits to Pennichuck Middle School in Nashua. She also delivered the young adult hygiene kits to Weston School in Manchester.L to R: Lizabeth MacDonald, Principal, Kim Joseph |
![SepBarDblBkThn](http://www.newvision-kellerpioneers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/SepBarDblBkThn.jpg) |
New Hampshire Council’s Sarah Dubois Sarah Dubois, member of the New Hampshire Council, is making a name for herself in the community after recently being crowned Mrs. New Hampshire International. Now that she is Mrs. New Hampshire, Dubois will advance to the national pageant this summer.“The Mrs. International pageant system places so much emphasis on the positive impact that delegates have on their communities, states and countries, so to have been chosen as Mrs. New Hampshire International is an honor,” said Dubois. “It means that the actions I’m taking to make my world a better place are meaningful.”Congratulations and best of luck this summer. |
![SepBarDblBkThn](http://www.newvision-kellerpioneers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/SepBarDblBkThn.jpg) |
Portland Council President Christina Shea reported the following …. Recently, I was helping a kindergartener get her shoes on after she took off her boots. I noticed that she had mismatched socks in the exact pattern that I know Portland Council had donated to a local outreach agency. I commented to the little girl about how cool I thought her socks are and I told her that I had a similar pair. Her eyes lit up and she told me how a nice lady who was helping her mommy gave them to her. She told me how warm they keep her feet and that she wished that she had more to keep her feet warm every day, all winter long! I teared up a bit knowing that the Pioneers helped her and how appreciative she was to have something so special. I am grateful that I was given this opportunity to see the fruits of our labor come full circle. It was really an inspiration moment to motivate me in our future projects. And another….. As I was getting my morning cup of Dunkin’s one of the employees came running up to me to tell me that her daughter, who is in Kindergarten, came home with a pair of mismatched socks on since hers had gotten soaked out on the playground…and the plastic bag had the Pioneers name on it…. How nice, I had chatted with the teacher and told her about this program and she was very interested. I sent her a few samples of what we do… and she put them to good use! She also teaches summer school and will receive some of the new “Sock it to Me” bags. We will be adding sneakers to the bags this summer. |
Jasper N. Keller 2015 Newsletters
Keller 2015 January Newsletter
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Keller 2015 September Newsletter